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Siefferman, L, AB Bentz, and KA Rosvall. 2023. Decoupling pioneering traits from latitudinal patterns in a north American bird experiencing a southward range shift. Journal of Animal Ecology. 92: 1149-1160.


Zimmer, C, CC Taff, DR Ardia, KA Rosvall, C Kallenberg, AB Bentz, AR Taylor, LS Johnson, and MN Vitousek. 2023. Gene expression in the female tree swallow brain is associated with inter- and intra-population variation in glucocorticoid levels. Hormones and Behavior. 147: 105280.




Bentz, AB, TA Empson, EM George, DB Rusch, A Buechlein, and KA Rosvall. 2022. How experimental competition changes ovarian gene activity in free-living birds: Implications for steroidogenesis, maternal effects, and beyond. Hormones and Behavior. 142: 105171.


George, EM, SE Wolf, AB Bentz, and KA Rosvall. 2022. Testing hormonal responses to real and simulated social challenges in a competitive female bird. Behavioral Ecology. 33: 233-244.




Bentz, AB, EM George, SE Wolf, DB Rusch, R Podicheti, A Buechlein, KP Nephew, and KA Rosvall. 2021. Experimental competition induces immediate and lasting effects on the neurogenome in free-living female birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118: e201615411.


Bentz, AB, CE Niederhuth, LL Carruth, and KJ Navara. 2021. Prenatal testosterone triggers long-term behavioral changes in male zebra finches: unravelling the neurogenomic mechanisms. BMC Genomics. 22:158.



Wrobel, ER*, AB Bentz*, WW Lorenz, ST Gardner, MT Mendonça, and KJ Navara. 2020. Corticosterone and testosterone treatment influence expression of gene pathways linked to meiotic segregation in preovulatory follicles of the domestic hen. PLoS ONE. 15: e0232120. ​​*indicates co-first authors

​Rosvall, KA, AB Bentz, and E George. 2020. How research on female vertebrates contributes to an expanded challenge hypothesis. Hormones and Behavior. 123: 104565.


Bentz, AB, DB Rusch, A Buechlein, and KA Rosvall. 2019. The neurogenomic transition from territory establishment to parenting in a territorial female songbird. BMC Genomics. 20: 819.

Bentz, AB, G Thomas, DB Rusch, and KA Rosvall. 2019. Tissue-specific expression profiles and positive selection analysis in the tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) using a de novo transcriptome assembly. Scientific Reports. 9: 15849.

Lipshutz, SE, E George, AB Bentz, and KA Rosvall. 2019. Evaluating testosterone as a phenotypic integrator: From tissues to individuals to species. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 496: 110531.

Bentz, AB, KJ Philippi*, and KA Rosvall. 2019. Evaluating seasonal patterns of female aggression: case study in a cavity-nesting bird with intense female-female competition. Ethology. 125: 555-564. ​​*indicates undergraduate co-author

Bentz, AB, EK Dossey, and KA Rosvall. 2019. Tissue-specific gene regulation corresponds with seasonal plasticity in female testosterone and aggression. General and Comparative Endocrinology 270: 26-34.


Possenti, CD, AB Bentz, A Romano, M Parolini, M Caprioli, D Rubolini, K Navara, and N Saino. 2018. Predation risk affects egg mass but not egg steroid hormone concentrations in yellow-legged gulls. Current Zoology 65: 401-408.

Becker, DJ, LM Bergner, AB Bentz, RJ Orton, S Altizer, and DG Streicker. 2018. Genetic diversity, infection prevalence, and possible transmission routes of Bartonella spp. in vampire bats. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12: e0006786.

Bentz, AB, VA Andreasen*, and KJ Navara. 2018. An experimental test of the relationship between yolk testosterone and the social environment in a colonial passerine. Journal of Avian Biology 49: jav-01635. *indicates undergraduate co-author

Corti, M, A Romano, A Costanzo, AB Bentz, K Navara, M Parolini, N Saino, and D Rubolini. 2018. Protoporphyrin-based eggshell pigmentation is associated with female plumage colouration and predicts offspring sex ratio in the barn swallow. Journal of Avian Biology 49: jav-01642.

Pusch, EA, AB Bentz, DJ Becker, and KJ Navara. 2018. Behavioral phenotype predicts physiological responses to chronic stress in proactive and reactive birds. General & Comparative Endocrinology 255: 71-77.

Becker, DJ, GA Czirják, DV Volokhov, AB Bentz, JE Carrera, MS Camus, KJ Navara, VE Chizhikov, MB Fenton, NB Simmons, AT Gilbert, SE Recuenco, S Altizer, and DG Streicker. 2018. Livestock expansion predicts vampire bat demography, immune profiles, and bacterial infection risk. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 373: 20170089.


Becker, DJ, GA Czirjak, AB Bentz, SG Platt, MM Chumchal, TR Rainwater, S Altizer, and DG Streicker. 2017. Predictors and immunological correlates of sublethal mercury exposure in vampire bats. Royal Society Open Science 4: 170073.


Bentz, AB, DJ Becker, and KJ Navara. 2016. Evolutionary implications of interspecific variation in a maternal effect: a meta-analysis of yolk testosterone response to competition. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160499.

Bentz, AB, AE Sirman, H Wada, KJ Navara, and W Hood. 2016. Relationship between maternal environment and DNA methylation patterns of estrogen receptor alpha in wild Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) nestlings: a pilot study. Ecology and Evolution 6: 4741-4752.

2014 and earlier

Robinson, TJ, L Siefferman, AB Bentz, and TS Risch. 2014. The separate effects of egg size and parental quality on the development of ornamental plumage coloration. Ibis 156: 415-423.

Bentz, AB, L Siefferman, and KJ Navara. 2013. Phenotypic plasticity in response to breeding density in tree swallows: an adaptive maternal effect? Hormones and Behavior 64: 729-736.

Bentz, AB and L Siefferman. 2013. Age-dependent trade-offs between coloration and reproduction in a species exhibiting delayed plumage maturation in females. Journal of Avian Biology 44: 80-88.

in review

Bentz, AB, C Niederhuth, L Carruth, and KJ Navara. Prenatal testosterone exposure triggers long-term behavioral changes: unraveling the neurogenomic mechanisms. In revision.


Bentz, AB, EM George, SE Wolf, DB Rusch, R Podicheti, A Buechlein, KP Nephew, and KA Rosvall. Experimental competition induces immediate and lasting effects on the neurogenome in free-living female birds. In revision.

Albers, AN, L Siefferman, AB Bentz, and KA Rosvall. Testing the pioneering hypothesis in a North American bird experiencing an unusual southward range shift. In revision.

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