Latest Updates
January 2023: Leigh Bailey and Anna James presented their research at SICB in Austin, TX!
May 2022: Cameron Nixon was awarded the Provost's UReCA Summer Fellowship for his Honors thesis project!
April 2022: Anna James and Jasmeen Kaur will be joining the lab as PhD students this Fall! Also, we have a new paper out in Hormones and Behavior!
December 2021: Leigh Bailey was awarded a Sigma Xi research grant!
November 2021: The first nest boxes are going up at our new field sites!
April 2021: Excited to announce that Leigh Bailey will be joining the lab this fall as a MS student!
March 2021: Two new papers out! Check them out in PNAS and BMC Genomics!
April 2020: The faculty letter is officially signed! The lab will be starting in Fall 2021 in the Department of Biology at University of Oklahoma.